Karen's learning logs #15
Wednesday 13 June 2012

おはようございますみんな(: Hello again!
This will be my very last learning log for this year ~
I'm definitely going to miss my grade 10 year (╥﹏╥)
I met a lot of new friends after 2 year.

♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬♪ ♫ ♬

Last Learning Log of the year

To my peers, we finally finished this course (:
I know that some of you are probably bored and not interested at all in Photoshop.
But you all have tried to endure and showed good efforts.
Presentations were done really well.
I know some of you guys put a lot of effort into it, especially to those who had done the presentation using visual media aids.
Thank you for being my peers.
Best of luck for the provincial exams this year!

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Digital Imagery Semester 2 Final self evaluation rubric

Digital Imagery Rubric and Self-Evaluation


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Karen's Last Learning log #14
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Special Learning Log Ü 

How to use puppet warp.. ? 

Here is the link :  


Last class I've learned a new tool in Photoshop and I'd like to share it with you all.. 
If you follow the PSDTuts tutorial on how to use puppet warp, 
I'm pretty sure you can warp any images easily.
I found out that puppet warp is really fun and easy to use 
and it's really handy for manipulating minor adjustments. 
You can only find this tool in Photoshop CS5 and the latest ones. 
Therefore, I'm really grateful for Photoshop CS5 for having such an amazing tool. 
So, I'm looking forward for Photoshop CS6 new features.
I don't have any particular questions on this but I've been wondering 
how to incorporate photoshop or any adobe editing programs 
to edit a video or to make one. 
I only know the basics on how to edit a video 
but I still couldn't make an animation and use after effects 
to create awesome custom motion animation. 

I hope this special learning log can teach the basic and fundamental mechanics behind these tool for everyone to apply their knowledge in their own individual way.

ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ If I can do it , so can you!

Here is what my final product look like ~ (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥

How to find puppet warp in Photoshop CS5 ?
Go to Edit > Puppet warp > click on selected layer 
> click on the picture.
 This is my final design for Love's Kitchen business card  
(Do you like this :D ? )

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Karen's learning logs #13
Thursday 31 May 2012

Today is the last day we had the chance to work on our very last project for this year.
Here's what I did in class today and I also used my free time to finish it~ (: 
This year is also my teacher's last year teaching :'(
I'm gonna miss her ; w ; 
I really had fun having her as my art teacher. I think she is a great teacher and she became a part of my life as a teacher and will be always remembered. Long before I have her as my art teacher, I didn't discover my skills and talent on drawing, painting, and digital art. I had no clue at all but now I've discovered it and I'll keep on creating art and learning new things.
And I decided with my partner, Valia (http://puentedesign.blogspot.ca/), are making a business card.
Here's my front page card design by me
The picture is owned by Love's Kitchen.
The work is still on progress.. My partner is doing the back page recipe design card.
Any comments are welcome :DD

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Karen's learning logs #12
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Last class' learning log: How to make a comic strip with Photoshop 

I'd like to share with you on how to do it in my way..

  1. Get the Comic Strip Template         
  2. Brushes and Mixed brush tool        
  3. Magic Wand or Quick Selection tool        
  4. Text tool         
  5. A tablet or a mouse          

>First of all, you could use the magic wand or quick selection tool to select a panel that you're going to start with.

> And from there you could start sketch the structure of the panels by making the layouts. But before you start painting, make sure you fill the background panels with a base color.
> The next step is to start painting the sketches using brushes with your color choices. At this point, you might struggle on choosing the right color to create a smooth blended figures. Photoshop & Illustrator are good programs to help you with this. They provide excellent tools to work with and easy ways to manipulate pictures. I hope that you are having fun playing with the brushes (:
> In my case for painting the wolf, I used mixed brush tool to blend colors together in order to look furry. Add shadows and highlights (meaning there should be dark and light colors to contrast and to reveal the source of lighting in the picture)
> Refine the edges (you can use layer masking to do this) and try use the blending mode options (right-click mouse > blending mode > adjust anything that you want there)
~~~~ Initial process ~~~~~~~~~~~`
> Add text, dialogues, titles, etc using the text tool.
(Lame fonts? go to www.dafont.com for free fonts) Do you know how to install new fonts into your computer? How to install fonts on Windows, Mac and Linux

FYI everyone.. This is my past project for Japanese - I made this comic strip for the first time using the above method..
What do you think? It's not perfect and good but trying and exploring are the least I could do to help me improve, learn and gain more perspectives and ideas (:
Improvise, Improve, Innovate   (:

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Karen's Learning logs #11
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Hello Everyone! Today's learning log is going to be about :
Creating vector curves and paths in Photoshop with the Pen tool 

I found this great tutorial on this particular topic on using the Pen tool in Photoshop..

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Karen's learning logs - Entry #9 + #10
Monday 14 May 2012

Cutting out photos with Photoshop from it's 
background, with refine edge and Quick selection

I'm very sorry that I skipped the last learning log since I spent the whole class trying to find an interesting ideas and photoshop tutorials. 
Therefore, for today's learning log, I'm going to share some easy and quick technique on how to cutting out photos with Photoshop from it's background, incorporating with refine edge and quick selection tool.
I learned this stuff for only 10 minutes from this tutorial given below
Source from : PhotoshopCAFE - Cutout + Refine Edge

Here's my finished work from this tutorial.. does this look realistic enough ?


Images that I used for completing the work

Tbh with you all ... I used to cut out photos from a background using eraser tool and magic wand.. but it took thrice longer than using this method above.. I believe that this tutorial is very useful for you to do photo manipulation, collages, editing photos, and etc.
Happy Photoshopping!

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Live Under the Sun
Radiant. Bright. Shine.

Karen Emmanuel (:
Welcome to my blog!
This is my digital imagery blog.
I'm a grade 10 student (:
Check out my creative art ;D
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Creative people
Don't forget to check their blogs! (:

Ms. Brenda Koch. Valia Puente. Dianna Khach. Justin Thompson. Dedie Kanda. Sean Wu. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend.

gone with the wind

February 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012

thank you for your design ♥
