Karen's learning logs - Entry #5
Monday 30 April 2012

Today's learning log :

1. As what I've planned before, I'm going to make the background for my wolf. But it didn't turned out well... So I'll continue working on it next class..
2. Actually I learned how to make snowfall in images - photo manipulation. It's actually not that hard at all. 
3. I'm interested on making a wintery woods instead of lush green kind of woods. It matches with the original cover itself.
I basically failed to manipulate a picture to create a fantasy background.
And I tried to follow this tuts PSDtuts - Scenic Photo Landscape

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Karen's Learning Logs - Entry #4
Thursday 26 April 2012

Good Morrow Everyone (: !
Today's Learning Log 

1. As promise, I experimented with the custom brush that I made last class and painted a wolf. What do you think? It took the whole class to paint this wolf and I refined them at home.

2. If you follow this: PSDtuts - Paint a realistic hair as what I mentioned at the last entry of my learning log, I'm pretty sure you can create one! (:

3. I successfully used the custom brush that I made and now I'm interested in making the background of the wolf by using the brushes. Also creating more details to the picture.

4. I've been thinking that I'm going to make a scenery of a woods in the winter where snow covers the trees and all that. What do you guys think? Suggestions and ideas are welcome ! :DD

5. Create your own custom image by using a custom brush. If I can do it, of course you can.

6. I actually got the wolf idea from a novel that I read and I took an interest on creating a book cover for it but I didn't have the brush to paint a realistic hair and didn't have the confidence to make it happen. But now as you can see, I did it - thanks to this self-independent project, I can explore and expand my skills further.

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Karen's Learning Logs - Entry #3
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Today's Learning log:

  • What did I do in class today?
» As you can see the image above, I used the custom brush that I made at the top left and played with it which turned out into an abstract art.

  • What did I learn?
» Today I used a tutorial and put it into action. Creating Custom Brushes by psdtuts. I really recommend this PSD tutorials resource for those of you who want to learn awesome and cool techniques for Photoshop.

  • What did I find interesting?
» I found out that by using this custom brush that I made, I can use it to create hair in photoshop just like this tuts PSDtuts - Paint realistic hair. For my next learning log,I'm planning to paint realistic hair for my wolf. *excited*
  • What questions do I have about what I learned?
Choosing a match and nice colors for the hair's highlight and all that. I'm going to struggle with this.
  • What was the point of today's lesson?
» By creating your own custom brush, you can produce a whole lot of new innovations from your past works.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons?
» We did custom brush assignment at the beginning of the year. But today's lesson is a whole new thing for me and I think practice makes you improve in Photoshop.
I really hope that this is a insightful and useful for you all (:

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Karen's Learning Logs - Entry #2
Wednesday 18 April 2012

  • What did I do in class today?
»  I looked for awesome tutorials at http://psd.tutsplus.com/ and I also explored some new ideas for a book that I'm interested in doing another book cover.
  • What did I learn?
» I learned some tablet tips for photoshop. And also learned some tricks on typography. Vintage Typography Tuts
  • What did I find interesting?
» I found out that Photoshop CS6 is coming up with advanced tools and stuff. I'm also interested to do digital art using tablets.
  • What questions do I have about what I learned?
» I want to do some typography here but I don't think I could do it in class time since we can't install any fonts at all. Should I do something else then?
  • What was the point of today's lesson?
» Learn to explore by yourself if there's anything you want to learn about - self based learning.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons?
» I'm not sure if there are any connections. To be sure, I think today's lesson is different from previous ones.

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Karen's Learning Log - Entry #1
Monday 16 April 2012

  • What did I do in class today?
»  I edited my blog - made some changes to it. I helped one of my peers on how to convert the self-evaluation (.pdf) file into (.png). I did my first learning log entry.
  • What did I learn?
I did self-learned some html basic codes for my blog and learning logs
  • What did I find interesting?
» I found that Ms. Koch's feed the fish widget is cute so I also put it in my blog (:
  • What questions do I have about what I learned?
» Any sneek peeks for the next digital imagery project?
  • What was the point of today's lesson?
» Learning Logs is a new way to help students learn from their peers every single class. Basically, sharing what they did in class and etc.
  • What connections did I make to previous ideas of lessons?
» I think this time is a little bit different than the previous lessons but kinda related to self-evaluations that we used to do for projects but this time we have to do it in every single class. I hope that this learning logs can be found useful for students.

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"May the odds be ever in your favor"
Wednesday 4 April 2012

This is my book cover for the book 
"The Hunger Games," by Suzanne Collins (:

Self-evaluation is here ~

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Karen Emmanuel (:
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